Paid To Click sites became very popular in the world of making money online in the past few years. The reason that make many peoples joined PTC program because of its simplicity, absolutely 100% free to join and the easy of the way to make money online. In this program you don't need to have your own website, and pay for hosting it every month or year or anything upfront. All you need to start working and making money from PTC program is to sign up for free account at PTC websites, click on your daily advertisements, wait for about 30 seconds and you earn money. The cost you gain for viewing one advertisement is usually one cent per ad. PTC program is an awesome system for peoples who want to start making money online. So, where to start?. All you need to have to start is a computer with internet connection. You only need about 20 minuets on your time per day to complete each PTC sites while surfing the internet, reading news, blogging etc.
Be award, there are many PTC "SCAM" sites being created lately (we will continually state it in this blog). It wast your time to join it since you won't get paid for all the work that you do and finally ask you to pay for account upgrade. So, don't purchase any upgrade or premium account if you aren't sure about the paid to click sites that you participated.
Important thing that you must have referrals after joining to make your earning network larger then, earn more income. The key to maximize your earning is to join as many PTC sites as you can and make your referrals network larger by marketing your referral link.
Here are some tips to help you avoid these SCAMs. First, use Google search engine and type in the PTC site that you're about to join and write "scam" beside it. You will find some useful results, read some articles and posts from various users that talking about this PTC site. More you find so many negative feedback, more the PTC site have a higher chance of being SCAM but, you have to review more than post because some of post writers still waiting for their payment which usually take times before each payment being sent to their members then, they say that PTC sites is a scam.
Recently PayPal have changed their policy on doing business with PTC sites. By reports people sent to PayPal about scam sites, PayPal decided to freeze and ban most of its accounts. Most of PTC sites now used other eBanks like AlertPay, E-Gold, MoneyBookers etc.